Monthly Archives: August 2019

why use

Why Use An Estate Agent At All?

On the surface it might seem reasonable to consider selling your house yourself, yet only the smallest minority of people attempt to do so, even in the face of so-called “DIY online” estate agency platform, usually with disappointing results.

Yes, you could put a home-made board up in your front garden or publish your own ad on some private sellers’ or online agency website. But apart from the problem of appearing “cheapskate” to prospective buyers who might assume that you have … Continue Reading…


You’ve accepted an offer, now the real work begins (for us!)

So you’ve just accepted an offer on your house, congratulations! Job done, right? Well not for us. It’s at this point, where we begin dedicating our time to securing the sale and ensuring the whole process goes as smoothly as possible.

According to a recent survey conducted by Relocation Agent Network, of which Richard James is a member, 60% of responding agents (including us!) have at least one employee dedicated to sales progression.

Adding Value Behind the Scenes
Many people think that an … Continue Reading…

August Comment

August Market Comment

Here we are, mid-summer holidays, and the market is generally regarded as subdued. However, due to the continued lack of stock, we are still securing some excellent prices locally. Certainly, volumes are down but ask any buyer or seller and they are less concerned about “the market” and more interested in their own situation. This usually revolves around a single property, so volumes are irrelevant!

We are acutely aware of the personal requirements and emotions behind every sale, so we handle … Continue Reading…