Monthly Archives: December 2019

2020 resolutions

Will you stick to your resolutions in 2020?

We all know making New Year’s resolutions are simple but sticking to them is a lot harder.

The top six most popular changes people usually want to make are to exercise more, lose weight, get organised, learn a new skill or hobby, drink less alcohol and spend more time with people they love.

Easy to say – harder to do.
The good news is an American psychoanalyst has come up with five easy tips to help you keep your resolutions in 2020.

Own up … Continue Reading…

Thank you dog

We wish you a Merry Christmas – Especially our community heroes

Christmas Time, Mistletoe and W…wait, perhaps we won’t go down the Sir Cliff route just yet.

But festive songs aside it’s a most wonderful time for family, friends, eating too much, watching TV specials and relaxing (usually once the relatives have left).

However, let’s spare a thought for the people, around 1 million of them across the UK, who must work on December 25th.

Emergency services, hospital staff, carers, traffic officers and hospitality workers all spring to mind as people who will be … Continue Reading…


Qualifying Buyers

The phrase “Willing and Able” is seldom heard today, as it no longer appears on estate agency documentation. However, it remains important to discover if a prospective buyer for your property is indeed willing and able to proceed, should they express interest in your home.

This is especially the case today, when people are finding it harder to get a mortgage than they did last time they bought. But apart from the obvious financial issues governing the buyer’s “ability” to proceed, … Continue Reading…


Election Result – What it means for property.

Finally – We have a result! Whether or not it is your preferred outcome, at least the confusion suffered by the UK, and the property market in particular, is at an end. Like it or not, it looks like Brexit will now formally happen on 31st January 2020 and politicians can then get on with debating other issues, as they should.

As far as property is concerned, D-Day has now arrived. Countless buyers and sellers, who had been sitting on their … Continue Reading…

Xmas tree

Christmas Lifestyles of the Seriously Rich

Everyone celebrates Christmas in their own way.

It’s that time of year when many of us get a little looser with our grip of the purse strings, and the credit card gets a little (or lot) more use than usual.

But for some of the World’s wealthiest people for whom cost is not an issue the festive season is a time to splash out – Big time.

Check out these big spenders.

A hotel in Marbella, the Kempinski Bahía, has laid claim to having … Continue Reading…



In the old days, a property ad in an estate agent’s window and the local newspaper were all that was required to promote a property. Today we also have our website and numerous portals ensuring that our clients property receives the maximum exposure to the right people – or ideally thousands of them! Plus, of course, a deep social media presence.

But property advertising is not just about exposure. It’s about understanding the psychology of buying and ensuring that adverts, no … Continue Reading…

December Market Comment

December Market Comment

We predict the busiest December ever, in terms of buyer and seller activity over the coming weeks. There is so much pent-up demand that is just waiting to be unleashed following months of Brexit-related frustration. D-Day will be Friday 13th December – the day when we will wake up to an election result which, whatever the outcome, will put us out of our misery.

Most prospective sellers who have taken a “wait and see” attitude will by then be straining at the … Continue Reading…



Valuation is possibly the most contentious aspect of estate agency, and emotions run high when discussing most people’s most valuable asset. It is natural that the vendor of a property will want as much as possible for it, as does the agent.

However, vendors should be careful about opinions over value, especially when everyone seems to have one – friends, relatives, taxi drivers and blokes in pubs!

The actual value of a property is of course the maximum figure that at least … Continue Reading…


Why the Big Boxing Day Bounce is Great News for Home Sellers

Picture the scene -It’s the afternoon after the night before. It’s Boxing Day.

The presents are all open, the wrapping all recycled, visitors entertained and time for a bit of festive telly.

Or is it?
December 26 is traditionally a time when people relax and breathe a little easier knowing that Christmas Day has passed.

And while people would often use the day off as chance to lounge around watching Only Fools and Horses repeats or the original Wizard of Oz for the 48th … Continue Reading…