Monthly Archives: February 2020

240220 Palace

By Royal Appointment – Homes Comfortable Enough for a King or Queen.

When you think of palaces the one which springs to mind for many people in the UK, and indeed the World, is Buckingham Palace.

Truly a place fit for a Queen. And here’s why.
Queen Elizabeth’s London home is worth between £1billion and £2 billion depending on what internet source you look at.

Quite a difference in opinion but one thing is for sure, and that’s with the following features and benefits Buckingham Palace is up there with the most desirable residences in … Continue Reading…

180220 DIY TEAM

How to Avoid a DIY Disaster!

The Do it Yourself industry in the UK is valued at around £7billion a year.

But according to a survey from consumer champion Which? DIYers are worth considerably more to tradespeople who are called in to rectify and repair some of the calamities left behind by household ‘Have a go’ heroes.

Check out these horror shows as reported by Which? Trusted Traders.

Plumbing the Depths
‘Many people try and fit their bathroom suite and then wonder why the water isn’t draining away. It’s usually … Continue Reading…

170220 Kindness

Ten simple things you can do to celebrate Random Act of Kindness Day

Monday 17 February is recognised as Random Act of Kindness Day.

It’s a chance to do something positive, and what’s not to like about that?

Its origins are in America, but the feelgood factor has spread much further afield and has made its way to Northamptonshire.

At Richard James we’ll be getting involved.

It doesn’t have to be grand gestures because when it comes to paying it forward, small things can have big impacts.

Below are ten simple things you can consider doing to get … Continue Reading…


Negotiate The Deal

Good negotiation is a skill that adds real value to the service you receive from your estate agent. After all it can be the make or break of a sale.

Many agents focus on “getting the maximum price” for their client, the property vendor. So do we. However, we also recognize that the vendor’s main objective is actually to move house! There is no point in losing a sale by trying to force an unreasonably high figure out of a buyer … Continue Reading…

100220 Home Loveheart

It must be love – What makes your home irresistible

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and with romance in the air, we thought we’d share what makes people in Wellingborough, Irthlingborough & Rushden love about their homes.

According to a news article based around a national survey by a conveyancing company, here are the top three things people loved most about the homes they bought.

In our experience, people get passionate about the same things.

1) A lovely location. 58 % of those surveyed said that being near good schools, transport … Continue Reading…

030220 Brexit Pole

Will Brexit have an impact on the value of your home?

Love it or loathe it, or simply sick to the back teeth of it, Brexit is happening.

But what impact will the UK leaving the European Union have on the property market in Wellingborough, Irthlingborough & Rushden?

Like most long-term forecasts, no one knows with absolute certainty, how things will pan out, especially when it comes to the housing market. It would be disingenuous of us to suggest otherwise!

However, the immediate impact since the General Election has been to see buyer confidence … Continue Reading…


February 2020 Market Comment

Last month we reported a sense of renewed optimism in the air. Well we were right! The post-election-post-Brexit surge means that the property market is once again buzzing with activity. And it’s not only our own agents who are working flat out to service our clients – Rightmove reported a 15% uplift in buyer enquiries to estate agents generally in the month immediately after the election compared to the previous year. This coincided with a 7.4% increase in sales agreed.

The … Continue Reading…