Monthly Archives: January 2022

2801 How to Make a Spare Room Work Best for You

Seven Super Ideas to Make the Most of a Spare Room

Now’s the time to give your spare room some serious thought about how to make the best use of this extra space in your home.

Especially after the past 18 months we’ve all experienced, which have changed the way many people use it.

Below are seven things you can do to create a room that suits your lifestyle and situation.

Home office – Yes, we know you may already be doing this but have you created a workspace that works for you?
Guest room … Continue Reading…

260122 EACC What Will the Homes of 2050 Look Like (1)

What Will the Homes of 2050 Look Like?

Star Trek fans, look away now.

“It’s a home, Jim, but not as we know it.” The original phrase (we’ve replaced life with a home) didn’t even feature in the popular sci-fi show, apparently, but we’re digressing.

If you’re interested in what life will be like in the homes of 2050, keep reading.
A report commissioned by the respected industry organisation the National House Building Council (NHBC) sees experts look into the future and make predictions around how homes will change.

The report, fittingly … Continue Reading…

240122 Why Are More and More Private Landlords Setting Up Limited Companies

Should You Buy Your Rental Property Using a Limited Company?

Before becoming a landlord, you need to consider how you want to buy your rental property. There’s lots of tricky tax stuff to consider and changes to tax relief over the last few years mean that becoming a landlord might not be as profitable as you first think.

So, what should you do? Should you buy a rental property in your personal name or via a limited company?

Setting up a limited company

Since 2016, more private companies than ever before have … Continue Reading…

190122 Top Tips for Selling an Empty Property

Top Tips for Selling an Empty Property

Most estate agents will tell you that to secure a good property sale, it’s best to market a home fully furnished. But to quote the Rolling Stones, ‘You can’t always get what you want’.

Whether it be due to a death in the family or a sudden change in circumstances, sellers sometimes find themselves with an empty property to market.

When this happens, what’s the best strategy?

Let’s think about visuals 

Empty homes tend to ‘stick’ because we humans are visual creatures. We find … Continue Reading…

170122 The Differences between Landlords and Property Investors (1)

The Differences between Landlords and Property Investors

What’s the difference between a landlord and a property investor? Aren’t they the same thing? Does one rent out properties and the other sell them on? If these questions have got you scratching your head, read on.

Long term vs short term

Keeping it simple, a landlord makes a regular income from renting properties to tenants. They are responsible for maintenance and managing the property. It’s also likely that they hold onto the property for the long term.

A property investor is … Continue Reading…

120122 How Homeowners Can Beat the Blue Monday Moods

How Homeowners Can Beat the Blue Monday Moods

Next Monday is, according to social scientists, the most depressing day on the calendar.

It even has a name. Such is the doom and gloom attached to it – Blue Monday.

It’s the perfect storm of wintry weather, festive spending credit card debts coming in, New Year’s resolutions falling by the wayside, and Christmas being a memory that’s fading fast.

We all feel down from time to time, and it’s important to share with people we trust how we’re feeling.

All our relationships here … Continue Reading…

070122 Ten Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bills (1)

Simple Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bills

Householders were hit with budget-busting energy price hikes in 2021 – a trend that looks set to continue well into the new year.

Here are some ways to claw back some cash on your heating bills and help the environment at the same time.

Small steps
Individually these measures offer modest gains but put them together, and you’ll notice the benefits.

• Use energy-efficient light bulbs.
• Switch off appliances at the socket when you’re not using them.
• Turn your boiler down by a few … Continue Reading…

050122 Moving On after Splitting Up Tips for Sellers after Divorce (1)

Tips For Selling Up Due to a Divorce

It is often said that there’s only one thing more stressful than getting divorced – and that’s moving home.

Spare a thought then for people who sell their home when their long-term relationship ends. They find themselves dealing with two of life’s most challenging moments at the same time.

Here are some property-related tips to help people navigate such a scenario.

 Get good advice

Seek good, independent legal advice. Many factors can influence how assets are divided, such as the length of the relationship, … Continue Reading…

0301 Four New Year’s Resolutions Landlords Will Love (1)

Four New Year’s Resolutions Landlords Will Love

It’s 2022. A new year, new hopes, and a new focus on getting rid of old ways of doing things that are holding us back.

And landlords are not immune to wanting a fresh start. January always sees us have plenty of enquiries from landlords keen to improve the way they do things.

Below are four resolutions we can help landlords make, but more importantly, keep.

To make more money

This one is a balancing act. You want to be profitable without being mercenary. … Continue Reading…