Preparing Your Garden

GardenYou only get one chance to make a first impression, and the state of your garden is will always make an impact. Not only will prospective buyers be walking around your garden, but it will often make up much of the view from within the property as well.

Gardens begin to grow vigorously at this time of year and if kept unchecked your property can appear unkempt. A little input now could pay dividends when it comes to the sale, so here are some seasonal tips:

• If you are fortunate enough to have a lawn, do have your lawnmower serviced and sharpened for a neat stripy lawn, ideally ahead of the season. During April the grass could need cutting twice a week and, with garden machinery engineers fully booked, you do not need a breakdown!

• Once the frosts have passed, instant effect can be gained by using colourful hanging baskets. You can buy these ready-made from garden centres, and at about £30 a go, this is money very well spent. Just remember to water them, and if you are going away, ask a friend or neighbour.

• Bedding plants also provide instant colour, but remember to dead-head them regularly so they continue flowering throughout the season.

• As your roses and other blooms start to appear, keep an eye on pests such as aphids. These can easily ruin a bloom but can be controlled with sprays, or better still, natural remedies such as ladybirds, which can now be bought for this purpose. Interestingly Aphids are less of a problem in town gardens than in more rural areas.
You are selling a home, not just a house/flat. The way you present your garden or even a window box could just tip the balance.

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