Monthly Archives: February 2016

Richard James: 74 High Street Rushden – Then and now….

At Richard James we’re very passionate about the history of our local towns. Our new office in Rushden is at 74 High Street and we were interested to see what it used to be! Our building and the one next door, used to be the Co-Operative pharmacy spread over both 72 and 74 High Street.

Here are the photos to compare! Big thanks to the Rushden Heritage Society for having such great information and vast volumes of photographs for us to … Continue Reading…

Rushden Lakes Update

Work is continuing on the much anticipated Rushden Lakes development. The scheme will bring various well-known stores including Marks and Spencer, Primark and House of Fraser to the town. The plans for a 12 screen cinema operated by a major chain have also been submitted. Building work is expected to begin by the end of summer 2016. The area surrounding the lakes has now been cleared and the first foundations have already been laid. Roadworks are to begin soon. For … Continue Reading…

Higher Rates of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) on Purchases of Second (and Subsequent) Residential Properties May Impact Wider Property Market

According to a recent estate agency survey, the proposed increase in Stamp Duty Land Tax on purchases of second and subsequent residential properties, may impact local property markets.

In a national survey conducted amongst its members, Relocation Agent Network found 74% of respondents indicated that the proposed increase in Stamp Duty on purchases of second residential properties, may impact their local property market. When asked to elaborate on what kind of impact this will have, two thirds suggested that the number … Continue Reading…

Outline plans for housing on former swimming pool site in Northamptonshire

The article below was published on the Chronicle & Echo website yesterday.

Outline plans to build 27 houses where a swimming pool used to be have been submitted.

The proposal is for outline planning permission with all matters reserved for a residential development on the site of the old Wellingborough swimming baths in Croyland Road, Wellingborough.

Planning permission for the pool was originally granted in 1967, but the building was eventually replaced by the Waendel Leisure Centre in Thomas Street which opened in … Continue Reading…

Flats and new dwellings for former Rushden shoe factory

The site near the entrance to Allen Road, late January 2016

It’s now the start of February 2016 and the former Grenson’s shoe site, which was home to the shoe firm until 2013, is now rapidly changing shape due to the ongoing building works. Westleigh Developments Ltd are converting the the original Grade II listed building in to 20 one and two bedroom apartments. The 20th century extension and the north light sheds are currently being demolished and will make … Continue Reading…

Stamp Duty Surcharge Creating Pressure

The first month of the year has been one of the busiest in my career. We have received record number of enquiries from buyers registering on our mailing list, with over a 1,000 potential buyers now looking to purchase.

By far, the most popular enquiry has been from Buy To Let Investors who are keen to purchase a property before the 1st April deadline when a 3% Stamp Duty Surcharge is introduced, imposed on anyone buying a second home.

The demands of Buy … Continue Reading…