Monthly Archives: August 2021

2508 Seven Ways a Prepared Seller Can Speed Up a Sale (1)

Seven Ways a Prepared Seller Can Speed Up a Sale

We’ve all heard horror stories about property sales that drag on for months or even years, leaving the seller frustrated and frazzled.

But the sales you don’t hear much about are the ones that rattle through quite efficiently without any drama.

As a seller, you can’t control every element of the process, but you can influence the progress of a transaction.

By being proactive and accepting that selling a home takes a little effort and energy, you can minimise delays.

Here’s how to speed … Continue Reading…

1808 Getting Value for Money When Selling Your Property

Getting Value for Money When Selling Your Property

We all know there’s money to be made from selling property, but there are agency and legal costs associated with this, too. Consider these costs as an investment in steering your sale in the right direction.

You get what you pay for

When it comes to selecting the estate agent entrusted to sell your property, human nature may see us gravitate to the one with the cheapest rate. After all, these can differ wildly from a fixed fee right up to 2% … Continue Reading…

1108 Six Home Styling Tips for Sellers

Six Home Styling Tips For Sellers

Presenting a home in its best light can significantly bump up the selling price and speed up the transaction. So why don’t all sellers dress their property for a successful sale?

Surprisingly, many people don’t change a thing before they put their home on the market (a decision that hits them in the back pocket). People who take this ‘warts and all’ approach to home-selling tend to fall into three categories.

Sellers who have a strong emotional attachment to their home and … Continue Reading…

0908 Holiday Rentals is investing in a staycation home a good idea

Holiday Rentals: Is Investing in a Staycation Home a Good Idea

Planning a foreign holiday over the last two years has taken a lot of patience, caused a lot of frustration, and has seen lots of Brits opting for a staycation.

With amber and green lists changing frequently, mandatory PCR tests, and the dreaded threat of hotel quarantine, the demand for UK holiday rentals has gone through the roof. But are they really worth the investment?

Here are five reasons why buying a holiday rental property may work for you.

Expect a higher rental … Continue Reading…

0408 Struggling to Sell Your Home Could This Be Why

Making a bad impression
We’ve all heard the adage that first impressions are the most important. This is definitely the case when it comes to selling your home. Smart presentation is a must as it sets the tone for the whole viewing.

First things first – kerb appeal.

Does your property entice strangers to want to peek inside? If it doesn’t, make a difference by tidying up the outside of your home. Maintain the same level of pride throughout your home. Make … Continue Reading…


Seven Signs It’s Time to Sell Your Home

Maybe you have been browsing property listings in your spare time and dreaming about buying a new home. But how do you know if it is actually the right time for you to sell your current home? While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, there are some tell-tale signs that the time is now. Here are seven of the most common signs that it’s definitely time for you to sell your home.

1. You know you’ll make a profit
The best time to … Continue Reading…

RAN Post Covid

Priority Changes for Post-COVID Homebuyer – What to consider

After over a year in lockdown, the way many of us live and work has changed drastically. With a change in lifestyle has come a change in needs, especially when it comes to where we spend most of our time – our homes. Before you make a checklist of must-haves for your new home and discuss with your estate agent, you may want to consider these factors. Even if you were not thinking about buying soon, it may be a … Continue Reading…